
One of the primary goals of Japa is to have a vibrant community of users and contributors who believes in the principles of Japa. So we welcome you with a big hug 🤗 to our small and agile community.

Let's explore some areas where you can help Japa become a better testing framework.

A quick reminder. If you enjoy using Japa, please give us a star on Github. Visit japa/runner repo.

Reporting bugs

Reporting bugs is the quickest way to improve and stabilize the framework. Therefore, we encourage you to report bugs as you encouter them.

Please follow the instructions below before reporting any bugs.

  • Ensure that you are creating an issue inside the correct repo. For example, if the issue is related to the plugin, report it within its repo.
  • Give a clear title to the issue.
  • Properly format the code blocks inside the issue description. Please do not use screenshots for sharing code snippets.
  • If possible, provide a reproduction repo.
  • Please do not open issues to clarify your doubts or ask questions. Instead use the discussion forum for that.

As the framework creator, I always want to address all bugs as quickly as possible. However, low-quality issues are usually ignored or do not get quick attention.

Sending pull requests

Pull requests to fix bugs, implement a new feature or improve documentation are always welcomed. We request you follow the instructions below before creating a new Pull request.

  • Always start by creating an issue to discuss a new feature or a bug you want to fix. The issue serves as a discussion ground to exchange ideas before you start any work.
  • There should always be tests for a bug fix and a new feature.
  • Make sure to open parallel pull requests for the changes required in the documentation. For example, if you are adding a new feature, open a PR to document that feature.
  • If the new feature can be published as a plugin, we encourage you to create a plugin instead and share it with everyone else in the community.

Sharing your work

We would love to share your work with the rest of the community. So, if you have created a plugin, a framework integration, or have written a blog post for Japa, please submit it here. Also, feel free to share your Twitter handle for a shoutout.

Exploring Japa together

Are you a content creator and want to explore Japa? Please email me at Make sure to share a link to your channel/platform and a brief about the structure of the session.