Became a sponsor

If you or your company rely on my work, then sponsoring my work will be a win-win situation for both of us. I get to focus on delivering more value, and you get the peace of mind that Japa and other open-source projects of mine are well maintained.

How to sponsor?

You can sponsor my open source work on Github. Both monthly recurring subscriptions and one-time donations are accepted. Recurring subscriptions are entitled to the benefits mentioned in the tiers section.

Also, you will receive the invoices for the payments directly from Github.

Sponsoring as an individual

If you enjoy using Japa, AdonisJS, Edge, or any other of my open-source projects, consider donating as a sign of appreciation. If you decide to pay a monthly recurring amount, you can also access the premium learning content, sponsorware, and paid packages.

Sponsoring as a business

If you are building revenue-generating products using Japa, AdonisJS, or Edge, it makes business sense to sponsor these projects. As a result, the project that your product relies on stays healthy and actively maintained.

If you are building a product where your target customers are developers, then consider the Advertisement tier to place your logo in front of thousands of developers visiting my open source projects every month.

Tiers and benefits

Following is the list of available tiers and their benefits. Learn more about the sponsorship program on Github

Learning content and paid packages ($19 or $29)

  • Get access to all the paid content on AdonisJS, Edge, and Japa. Visit to explore the existing content.
  • Get access to all the paid AdonisJS packages.
  • Get early access to Sponsorware.
  • Get your logo on the AdonisJS documentation sidebar ( ~300K page views )
  • Get your logo on the home page of AdonisJS ( ~30K page views )
  • Get your logo on the Japa documentation sidebar ( ~8K page views )
  • Get your logo on all of my main Github repos.

Current Sponsors

The sponsors list is updated at the start of every month.