
The snapshot plugin allows you to write snapshot tests for your application. You can install the plugin from the npm packages registry as follows. Note that you will need at least @japa/expect or @japa/assert since the plugin extends them with 2 new matchers.

npm i -D @japa/snapshot@1.0.1-3

The next step is registering the plugin inside the plugins array.

import { snapshot } from '@japa/snapshot'
import { configure, processCliArgs } from '@japa/runner'
files: ['tests/**/*.spec.js'],
plugins: [snapshot()],
const { snapshot } = require('@japa/snapshot')
const { configure, processCliArgs } = require('@japa/runner')
files: ['tests/**/*.spec.js'],
plugins: [snapshot()],

Basic usage

Once the plugin has been registered, you can access the snapshot property from the test context. The snapshot property exposes two new matchers toMatchSnapshot and toMatchInlineSnapshot :

test('match snapshot', async ({ assert, expect }) => {
// with @japa/assert
// with @japa/expect

The above test will create a snapshot file with the following content:

exports['match snapshot 1'] = `"1"`

Note the 1 at the end of the export name. This is a sequential number that is used to uniquely identify each snapshot, in case you have multiple snapshots inside the same test.

That means if you re-order your snapshots assertions, you will have to update your snapshots with the --update-snapshots flag.

Inline snapshots

You can also use inline snapshots to write the snapshot value inline with the test:

test('match snapshot', async ({ expect, assert }) => {
// with @japa/assert
// with @japa/expect

The above test, after it first run, will append the snapshot value to the test file as follows:

test('match snapshot', async ({ expect, assert }) => {
// with @japa/assert
// with @japa/expect

Updating snapshots

You can update the snapshots by passing the --update-snapshots or -u flag to the CLI:

npm run test -- -u

Snapshot options

The snapshot plugin exposes the following options:

prettyFormatOptionsThe options to pass to the pretty-format package. This is used to format the snapshot value.
resolveSnapshotPathA callback to resolve the location of the snapshot file. By default, the snapshot file is created inside the __snapshots__ directory next to the test file.

You can pass the options to the plugin as follows:

files: ['tests/**/*.spec.js'],
plugins: [
resolveSnapshotPath: (testPath) => {
* This will create a snapshot file next to your
* test file.
return testPath.replace('.spec.ts', '.spec.ts.cjs')
prettyFormatOptions: {
printFunctionName: true