Test suites

Test suites allow you to organize your tests by their type. For example, you can create separate suites for unit tests and functional tests and keep their test files in dedicated sub-folders.

import { configure } from '@japa/runner'
suites: [
name: 'unit',
files: ['tests/unit/**/*.spec.js'],
name: 'functional',
files: ['tests/functional/**/*.spec.js'],
const { configure } = require('@japa/runner')
suites: [
name: 'unit',
files: ['tests/unit/**/*.spec.js'],
name: 'functional',
files: ['tests/functional/**/*.spec.js'],
  • You must not use the files property when you are using suites.
  • Each suite must have a unique name and a files property to associate test files with the suite.

Run selected suites

You can run tests for a specific suite by specifying the suite name after the test file name.

In the following example, only the unit tests will run.

node bin/test.js unit

The following example will run the tests for both the unit and the functional suites.

node bin/test.js unit functional

Lifecycle hooks

Similar to tests and groups, you can also define lifecycle hooks for the suites. For example, you can use hooks to start the HTTP server before running the tests in the functional suite.

The configure method in the suite configuration object receives an instance of the Suite class, and you can use it to register the hooks.

suites: [
name: 'functional',
files: ['tests/functional/**/*.spec.js'],
configure(suite) {
suite.setup(() => {
server = createServer(handler)
return () => server.close()

Configure suite groups and tests

You can drill down the layers and configure groups/tests directly using the suite instance. Imagine a plugin adding extra functionality or lifecycle hooks on every test and group.

Only the tests without any group can be accessed using the onTest method. However, you can use the onGroup method to access the group tests.

configure(suite) {
suite.onTest((test) => {
test.setup(() => {})
suite.onGroup((group) => {
group.tap((test) => {
test.setup(() => {})

Running suites in parallel

You might be aware that Japa does not run tests parallelly. However, you can use the following tip to run suites parallelly.

Start by installing the concurrently package from the npm registry.

npm i -D concurrently

And register the following scripts within the package.json file.

"scripts": {
"unit:tests": "node bin/test.js unit",
"functional:tests": "node bin/test.js functional",
"test": "concurrently \"npm:unit:tests\" \"npm:functional:tests\""

And finally, run the tests as usual.

npm test